How to make the right decisions


Do you still remember how to make the right choices and decisions almost every time?

I asked this way because once you knew how. More, it was the only way you knew.

Then you forgot. I forgot, too.

Here’s what I remembered. I want to remind you.

You are likely making the right choice (or decision) if you:

  1. Trust what comes up in the first 3 seconds
  2. Trust the impulse or feeling “this is the right thing”
  3. Feel the choice is not forced
  4. Do not catch yourself justifying your choice (justification comes from the intellect, not the part of you that “knows”)
  5. I forgot what #5 was

Oh yes, 5 - You feel a sense of calm, of being grounded, of simply knowing that you can trust.

I’ve been around for 49 cycles now. Here’s what I learned also.

🟩 The “YOU that just knows” = Good for choices and decisions
🟩 The intellect/logic = good for creating the plan after you’ve made the choice

One last thing. This works 80 percent of the time. I’ll tell you why some other time.

(Still, over time 80 percent will amount to a beautiful life experience.)

Much love.

P.S. If this was useful, would you pass it along to someone who needs to “remember”?

Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching Subscribe to receive my emails...

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