If you're feeling unhappy, waiting to be "ready", this one thought..

If right now you are feeling unhappy

The reason is only one. Knowing that will immediately change things for you

The one reason why right now you feel unhappy or dissatisfied is this:

→ You want something (future)

↳ And you are experiencing the not-having of it (now)

In other words, the source of your discontent is

...The gap between what you want and the experience of not having it now

I'm not suggesting that you stop wanting things

(that's another topic.. there's the right and wrong way to want)

All I'm suggesting is this:

If you close the time gap between what you want and the experience of not having it in the present moment -

It all goes away.

Try it.

If it doesn't work - it's because you are immediately going back to remembering what you want...

And that you don't have it now.

Simple right? 🙂

Why “waiting to be ready” is not a good life strategy

And why “imperfect” works infinitely better…

There are many reasons why imperfect is better than trying to be perfect

But two big ones are:

  • You prove to your ego (that scared part of you) that it’s safe to be imperfect
  • Others connect with you better because each of us knows deep down that we are imperfect

So, when someone who’s imperfect and puts themselves out there “imperfectly”…

It gives others permission to chew on more of life themselves.

This ultimately elevates all of us

“The tide lifts all boats”

So my question for you on this beautiful Sunday is:

What are you not pulling the trigger on right now because “you are not ready”?

(Btw. you will never feel ready!)


"It's not possible for me" is not true

The thought "It's not possible for me" makes it true.

"What we think, we become" ~ Buddha

In-joy your Sunday and much love 🧡

PS: If you want help with implementing any of the concepts and ideas I share with you here go to IvanNikolov.com/chat

PPS: All the ways I can be of help - IvanNikolov.com/services

PPPS: I give the most of me in my Elev8 community on WhatsApp. Join the tribe at IvanNikolov.com/elev8

If none of these applies to you - have a beautiful Sunday 💚

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Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching https://ivannikolov.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/inikolov/ https://www.instagram.com/ivannikolovlive/ https://www.facebook.com/Ivan.M.Nikolov/ Subscribe to receive my emails...

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