Why self-improvement only works for a few hours


If you look at your circumstances today

And you feel disappointed, frustrated, depressed

Please consider this...

Your circumstances today are not a representation of you today

They are a representation of you in the past

So, please don't read into them in a way that gives even more evidence to the beliefs and stories that aren't serving you and your dreams.

Just realize that physical reality is lagging behind quantum reality

How much? It depends.

The point is... don't use your current circumstances against yourself.

This way you'll stop preventing your reality from updating itself in the way you desire.

This is why self-improvement only works for a few hours

And then most people return to their normal state of quiet and often secret suffering while pretending it's all good.

It's all backwards (while it seems the only right way - because everybody is doing it that way)


Life happens ↴
A person reacting to life


Thoughts = energy ↴
Things (circumstances, life) = same energy but densified

Do you see it now?

Your things are your thoughts in a more solid form.

More precisely:

Beliefs → Thoughts → Denser thoughts (things, circumstances, reality)

If you want to know what you are thinking look at your circumstances

If you want to change your circumstances change your beliefs and thoughts - not the circumstances (that's backwards).

This isn't new-age stuff. This is physics.

New advanced theories offer hope for bridging the gap between classical and quantum physics...

..and explaining how conscious energy becomes a tangible reality.

The question is, do you want to wait for science to tell you what we've known for a long time?

I hope not.

Happiness, fulfillment, meaning, and joy are not to be found without - but within.

Suffering is the experience of "not having" those.

Experiencing those is a matter of changing where you look - not looking harder.

You can't find something you've never lost.

It's always there - and it has never left you.

Joy-full Sunday 💚

PS: If you want help with implementing any of the concepts and ideas I share with you here go to IvanNikolov.com/chat

PPS: Other ways I can be of help - IvanNikolov.com/services

PPPS: I give the most of me in my Elev8 community on WhatsApp. Join the tribe at IvanNikolov.com/elev8

If none of these appeals to you - have a beautiful day 💚

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Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching https://ivannikolov.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/inikolov/ https://www.instagram.com/ivannikolovlive/ https://www.facebook.com/Ivan.M.Nikolov/ Subscribe to receive my emails...

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