The reason for low self-worth [and how to change it]


Feeling like you aren’t measuring up (to other people's standards... or to your own standards)?

Like you are consistently falling behind - like you’re not running fast enough?

Like there’s something big that you have to achieve, to make something out of your life?

To become someone?

To get “there”?

I know that feeling way too well. When I immigrated to the United States, first because I was an immigrant trying to make it, and second because I was in THE US…

I, too, learned that I have to compete, to “make it”.

I lived this way for two decades.

It exhausted me.

And after I lived for that long in total exhaustion both mentally and emotionally - I learned that I didn’t have to get anywhere or become anyone.

I learned that I didn’t have to save humanity or the planet.

Not that there’s anything wrong with saving humanity or the planet.

The problem is when all of the efforts are coming from feeling the need to do all this because without it we feel insecure, inadequate, and insufficient (not good enough).

The true problem is the energy behind the efforts, you see?!

Contrast feeling like “I have to” be and do all these things with “I choose” or “I’d love” to - that is my aligned intention…

But I’m not attached to how that happens – or even if that happens at all!

Because either way, I am at peace with myself.

That’s the difference.

And that’s the problem with combining…

-> the enormous influence of mass media, social media, unethical marketing, common social narratives


-> a human being who has a limited view of themselves due to unprocessed and unintegrated childhood and experiential trauma and hurt

I was personally so influenced by this combo - feeling not enough on so many levels while also feeling like I suck big time in comparison with what I was seeing others accomplish.

I no longer do.

I broke free from that. These days I am validated by me, not by what’s happening or who thinks what of me.

I do ME.

Because I now know deep in my bone marrow that:

  • there’s nothing that I “have to” become or accomplish
  • I am at peace with what happened to me that wounded me and traumatized me
  • I am at peace with what IS right now, and…
  • I am personally responsible for my life, and finally…
  • I am committed to living a life of meaning and impact - WITHOUT being attached to how that could look like

(That’s why you are receiving this email - not because “I have to” but because I choose to message you - and potentially to make a sliver of difference in your life!)

I’m not sharing that with you so you feel inferior to me (or anybody else).

Quite the contrary - I’m sharing it because if you ever felt that way too I want you to know that you are NOT the only one.

And I want you to know that you (just like me) are just one or two major Aha moments away (this text might be one of them) from liberating yourself…

… and living a life the way you choose to and you love to instead of a life you feel you “have to” (with all the pain, suffering, frustration, and emotional exhaustion associated with that way of living).

I’m not a “prescription” kinda guy and I don’t generally like “how to do this” lists because the thing that makes “how to’s” work is the level of belief behind them - the Being vs the Doing… but…

Here’s how:

  1. Find the deeper subconscious constraints (lies) that are causing you to show up (in relationships, work, finances, health & body) from a place of low self-worth
  2. Find role models or mentors that you can relate to - who can model for you how it looks like to live in your worth and to be self-validated
  3. Practice consistently the awareness of what has been limiting you in your own life + the awareness of WHO YOU TRULY ARE beneath all the ego layers of wounds and hurt

(Remember: if you admire a trait in someone the only reason is because you also have that trait [undeveloped or underdeveloped] in yourself!)

That’s all it takes to re-write your brain over time.

And it’s all it takes to come back to YOU - and to do YOU!

Much love -


P.S. When you are ready to discover and dissolve your biggest subconscious blocks, blind spots, and limiting self-definitions - and start living a juicy life that really excites you - reach out. Let's chat about how I can help you create that in months, not years.

Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching Subscribe to receive my emails...

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