This lesson cost me 35 years to learn

It's about what makes things happen - or not - in one's life.

In my early teens, I wished for all of it - fame, money, success. And I felt absolutely normal about it, fully deserving, even entitled. In a way, I felt special.

In my late teens, I started doubting my "superpowers". I wasn't sure anymore that everything was possible for me.

In my 20's most of my early bold dreams, along with all my felt superpowers, were gone. I was not that special after all.

In my 30's being average and not allowing myself to have big dreams was my normal. It was an adaptation to living a life far below my potential. It hurt less that way.

My view of myself was: "I'm average. I don't have what it takes. I'm not meant for success."

In my early and mid 40's I continued to (subconsciously) adapt to avoid the pain of living below my potential.

I became "spiritual". I internalized a misguided form of non-attachment. It's called resignation.

Now, at almost 50 here's what I know:

Repeated thoughts become one's core models of reality, which "creates" one's destiny. Radical awareness of one's attention is the no.1 most important thing. Consistent attention directed towards new thoughts changes one's core models of reality. This becomes one's new destiny. And it works at any age.

Had to share this in case it's useful for someone today.



Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching Subscribe to receive my emails...

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