Everything that ever happens serves one purpose

Hi Reader.

The true work each one of us is here to do
is to remove all the layers of hurt, shame,
learned inadequacies, and inherited limiting contexts.

Striving and achievement are simply the access points -
the means by which we get to move ever closer to that end.

In that sense, everything that happens - wanted or not -
serves that one purpose.

Always keeping this in perspective
is what sages and mystics call "inner peace".

Do you agree?

Enjoy your Friday.


P.S. Next week I'll be emailing you about how to move from feeling stuck or empty on the inside, or going through an identity crisis to experiencing fulfillment, meaning, happiness and ease - even if you think that's something for others to experience but not for you.

Ivan Nikolov

Elevate your Self-concept. Feel good about yourself. Subconscious blocks removal. Radical Self-concept reinvention through subconscious mind reprogramming. Online 1-1 Coaching https://ivannikolov.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/inikolov/ https://www.instagram.com/ivannikolovlive/ https://www.facebook.com/Ivan.M.Nikolov/ Subscribe to receive my emails...

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